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| Sprog: Engelsk Engelsk (Dolby Digital 5.1)
Undertekst: (ikke blevet opdateret)
Billedeformat: Widescreen 1.78:1 (16:9) (Anamorphic)
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| Beskrivelse:
Low-budget western. Justin Ament stars as bounty hunter James Conners, who returns to his hometown of Legend, New Mexico to avenge his father's death at the hands of the avaricious Will Tunney (Angus MacFadyen) and renew his relationship with long-lost love Mary (Marnie Alton). |
| Instruktør: Dean Alioto
Skuespillere: Angus MacFadyen Angus Macfayden Anthony Michael Jones Charles Napier Courtney Gains Daniel Baldwin Dean Alioto Ines Dali Justin Ament Marnie Alton Michael Spears Shawn Reaves Tonantzin Carmelo William Sadler
Producent: Justin Ament
Forfatter: Brad Goodman Dean Alioto Peter Vanderwall