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Raging Planet, The: Avalanches

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Genre:Natur / Dyrefilm, Naturvidenskabelige Film
Udgiver:Green Umbrella
Aldersgrænse: Fritaget for vurdering.
Længde:ca. 50 minutter

  1 stk. på lager
 Pris:  59,95 DKK
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Engelsk (Unknown Sound Format)

(ikke blevet opdateret)

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Since humans first walked the earth, mountains were seen as places of mystery, wonder and fear, where unseen spirits often spoke in thunderous fury without warning. The avalanche is still one of the most frightening and destructive forces in nature, with over one million avalanches rumbling down the world's mountains every year. In parts of Europe whole communities live under constant threat and band together for their very survival. For those lured to the mountain extremes, tragedy often strikes. From afar the avalanche is a beautiful white river of snow, but when experienced up close, it brings “The White Death”. But new technologies promise to keep victims alive long enough to be rescued from frozen tombs. Across the globe scientists have stepped up the pace in avalanche research creating revolu tionary tools to unravel the complex dynamics of violent snow. Today, the race is on to understand and ultimately to live with the avalanche.