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Curse Of King Tut, The

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Genre:Dokumentar, Historie & Kultur
Keywords:Farao, Konge
Udgiver:IMC Vision
Aldersgrænse: Fritaget for vurdering.
Længde:ca. 50 minutter

  UK Import
  1 stk. på lager
 Pris:  99,95 DKK
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Engelsk (Dolby Digital)


Widescreen (16:9)

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There's a legend that traces back over 3,000 years of a young king, dead before his time and the fates of the men who disturbed his tomb. It's a tale with all the mystery of a crime drama and the body count of a horror movie.

Tutankhamen left no heirs, was forgotten by his own people and went missing for thousands of years but he has become the most famous Pharaoh of them all. Known worldwide for the treasures packed into his tomb and the mysterious deaths of those involved in his discovery.

Now more than 80 years later, science is taking a closer look into searching for new clues to uncover the secrets behind one of the most enduring legends of our time.

The History Channel