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Under Tow, The

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Produceret: 2003
Genre:Gyserfilm / Horror, Splatterfilm
Udgiver:Quantum Leap
Aldersgrænse: Tilladt fra 15 år.
Længde:ca. 2 timer

  UK Import
  1 stk. på lager
 Pris:  189,95 DKK
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Engelsk (Dolby Digital)

(ikke blevet opdateret)

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Six friends enter the strange town of Old Mines for a weekend float trip. They quickly realise that the town is not friendly to strangers, and they are pressured to leave by the police. When the friends decide to continue their float trip anyway terrifying secrets of the town surface. A seven foot-tall deformed maniac, known by the townfolk as; The Boy; is kept under lock and key by the town's mayor. The boy's purpose is simple: kill outsiders. The Mayor of Old Mines releases the Boy and the maniac's hunt begins. One by one, the campers on their float trip are ripped to gory shreds by the enraged, deformed, hulking Boy. But there is a great mystery to the Boy. Who is his father? Who is his mother? How did he become so dangerous? In the end, the answers to these questions will put the entire town of Old Mines in danger. The Boy is an unstoppable killing machine, and anyone in his path won't be in one piece for long!

Jeremy Wallace

Brenda Golden
Brian Belt
Ceily Davis
Chris Grega
Doc Brown
Don Gamble
Ed Belt
Emily Hack
Emily Haack
Eric Spudic
Jason Christ
Jeff Atwater
Jeremy Wallace
John Dvorak
John Moore
Joseph Palermo
Julie Farrar
Kevin Golden
Robin Garrels
Sandy Dvorak
Scot Spookytooth
Todd Tevlin
Trudy Bequette

Chris Belt
Eric Stanze
Jason Christ
Ron Bonk

Jeremy Wallace