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| Sprog: Engelsk (Dolby Digital 2.0)
Undertekst: Dansk, Finsk, Norsk, Svensk
Billedeformat: Widescreen 1.77:1 (16:9) (Anamorphic)
Antal disk: |  |  | SS-DL: (DVD-9)
| Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] De var døtre til en konge og hustruer til Englands rigeste mænd. De var smukke, veluddannede og selvstændige. Alle kvinder er misundelige på søstrene Lennox - 1700-talets superstjerner. I en flot og ambitiøs miniserie på fem timer, males deres fascinerende skæbner op i en farverig skrøne, baseret på den verdensberømte historiker Stella Tillyards bedst sælgende biografi. Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] BBC dramatisation of Stella Tillyard's best-selling biography of the four Lennox sisters. This aristocratic eighteenth century family consisted of Caroline, who flew in the face of polite society by marrying a Whig politician old enough to be her father, Emily, who gave birth to a famous Irish revolutionary, Louisa, who devoted her life to working amongst the poor, and Sarah, who attracted the romantic attention of the King of England. |
| Instruktør: David Caffrey
Skuespillere: Adam Webb Alun Armstrong Amelia Warner Andrew Fitzsimons Andrew Havill Anne-Marie Duff Ben Daniels Brendan Morrissey Carl Brennan Clive Swift David Gant Diana Quick Diane Fletcher Eamon Rohan Frank Kelly George Anton Geraldine Somerville Hugh Sachs Jeremy Bulloch Jérôme Pradon Jodhi May John Light Julian Fellowes Katharine Rogers Katherine Wogan Lara Madden Patrick Sheane Duncan Paul Ridley Pauline McLynn Richard Dempsey Saoirse O'Brien Serena Gordon Sheila Ruskin Siân Phillips Toby Jones Tom Beard Tom Mullion William Sparks
Producent: Christopher Hall David McLoughlin David Snodin John McDonnell Kevin Menton Melanie Howard Michael Wearing Nigel Warren-Green Rebecca Eaton Rod Stoneman
Forfatter: Harriet O'Carroll Stella Tillyard