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Angel And The Badman / Blood On The Sun (Double Pack) (2 Disk)

Vis stor:  []

Produceret: 1946
Materiale:Sort & hvid
Længde:ca. 3 timer 8 minutter

  1 stk. på lager
 Pris:  49,95 DKK
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(ikke blevet opdateret)

(ikke blevet opdateret)


Classic double bill. In 'Angel and the Badman', Quart Evans (John Wayne), ex-deputy sheriff of Wyatt Earp, is now a rough and ready gunslinger. After being injured in a shootout, Evans is taken in and nursed by a Quaker family. He finds himself falling for the daughter (Gail Russell), and attempts to give up gunslinging. However, a determination to bring a group of murderers to justice threatens his new-found peace of mind. In 'Blood on the Sun', newspaper editor Nick Condon (James Cagney) is based in Tokyo, and puts his life and those of others at risk when he runs a story revealing Japan's plans to conquer China. When the reporter who wrote the story (Wallace Ford) and his wife (Rosemary de Camp) are both murdered, Condon teams up with a beautiful secret agent (Sylvia Sidney) to expose corruption in the Japanese government

Frank Lloyd
James Edward Grant

Bruce Cabot
Craig Woods
Frank Puglia
Gail Russell
Hank Worden
Harry Carey Jr.
Irene Rich
James Cagney
Joan Barton
John Emery
John Halloran
John Wayne
Lee Dixon
Leonard Strong
Marshall Reed
Olin Howlin
Pat Flaherty
Paul Hurst
Porter Hall
Robert Armstrong
Rosemary DeCamp
Stephen Grant
Sylvia Sidney
Tom Powers
Wallace Ford