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| Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Willie er en hip ungarsk tilflytter der har bosat sig i New York. Hans kusine Eva kommer på besøg fra Budapest og hun spørger om hun må bo hos ham i ti dage. Willie bliver ikke overlykkelig over at have en 16-årig på slæb, men inden Eva skal rejse videre til Ohio for at bo hos en tante, er Willie og hans ven Eddie bliver glade for hendes selskab. Et år senere tager de til Ohio for at besøge hende, men det er ikke meget at lave i Ohio, specielt ikke om vinteren. Så trekløveret bestemmer sig for at sætte kursen mod det solfyldte Miami... Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] The new world: Bela Molnar, originally Hungarian, has lived in New York forthe past ten years. Eva Molnar, his sixteen-year-old cousin, is just arriving in the U.S. to begin a new life, and is forced to stay with Willie before travelling toCleveland. During this period Willie's preconceptions of Eva slowly change,and it is only as she is leaving New York that Willie is able to see her in hertrue light: a black sheep of the family, similar to himself.One year later: Willie and his best friend, Eddie, are caught cheating in apoker game. On a whim, they decide to take their winnings , borrow a car,and visit Eva who is now living with the stern and stubborn Aunt Lotte in theharsh mid-western winter. After several days, Willie and Eddie want to leaveagain.Paradise: Willie and Eddie decide to kidnap Eva and take her to Miami fora vacation in Paradise. Once in Florida, the three stay in a run-down motelby the sea. From here on, things begin to fall apart: Willie and Eddie losealmost all their money at the dog races, Willie begins to treat Eva badlyagain, and everything seems to go wrong. Confusion builds as Eva considersreturning to Europe, Willie and Eddie win their money back, and Willie attempts to get Eva off a plane departing for Budapest. Connections aremissed, and in the end the three are accidentally separated from oneanother, and left to their own devises. |
| Instruktør: Jim Jarmusch
Skuespillere: Brian J. Burchill Cecillia Stark Danny Rosen Eszter Balint Harvey Perr John Lurie Paul Sloane Rammellzee Richard Boes Richard Edson Rockets Redglare Sara Driver Tom DiCillo
Producent: Otto Grokenberger Sara Driver
Forfatter: Jim Jarmusch