Pilates - En Ny Livsholdning | Pilates For Dummies | Pilates Workout For Dummies |
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| Sprog: Dansk (Dolby Digital)
Undertekst: Ingen
Antal disk: |  | SS-DL: (DVD-9)
| Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] I dette program får du trin-for-trin-instruktion i 18 populære Pilates øvelser, som kan udføres i det tempo, der passer dig bedst. Specielt arbejdes der på at strække og forlænge musklerne, forbedre kropsholdningen og træne og trimme maveregionen.
Pilates Workout med Michelle Dozois. Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] This unintimidating program explains Pilates mat techniques in easy-to-understand language. Not only can you tone and reshape your entire body by using this DVD -- but you may even change your mind about exercise.
What is the ultimate workout machine? YOUR BODY!!! With the authentic Pilates Method (developed decades ago by Joseph H. Pilates), you can reshape and tone your entire body to look longer and leaner by using these simple-yet-effective techniques. Anyone can do Pilates, regardless of age or fitness level - and that means you!
Pilates For Dummies offers step-by-step instruction for 18 popular Pilates mat exercises and makes working out at your own level easy to do. This program incorporates floor techniques that are taught as part of every Pilates mat class to help you strengthen and lengthen you muscles, improve your posture, and tone and tighten your mid-section. About the Instructor: Michelle Dozios is a 14-year fitness professional and Method Pilates certified instructor. She's the co-owner of Breakthru, a personal training and Pilates studio in Pasadena, California. Michelle has appeared in over 15 exercise videos including Buns of Steel Platinum Collection and 10 Minute Solution.
FEATURES: Basic Pilates Workout Intermediate Pilates workout Instructor Cueing Audio Option (for working out to your own music) | Ekstra features:
Scenevalg Lydindstillinger Split screen for bedre resultater Ekstra råd/vejledning og øvelser 20 minutters Pilates-workout for øvede
| Instruktør: Andrea Ambandos
Skuespillere: Michelle Dozois