Afterlife - Sæson 2 (Box Set) (4 Disk) (Finsk cover) (brugt) |
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| Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Et isnende psykologisk drama, hvor vi træder ind i de afdødes verden for at finde svar på spørgsmål om de levende. I første sæsons afslutning kollapsede Alison og var tæt på at dø under en seance, hvor hun blev besat af Roberts afdøde søns ånd. Nu er hun ved at komme sig og må acceptere, at de ånder, som hun har set siden sin barndom, aldrig vil lade hende være i fred. Fast besluttet på ikke at lade sit liv diktere af de døde vælger hun at bruge sin evne til at hjælpe de levende. Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] This award-winning chilling supernatural drama returns from it's highly successful first series with eight compelling new episodes featuring an all-star cast plus a behind-the-scenes documentary. In the terrifying and emotional climax to the first series, Alison (Lesley Sharp) collapsed and nearly died during a seance in which she was inhabited by the spirit of Robert's dead son. Now on the road to recovery, Alison has had to accept that the spirits she has seen since she was a child will never leave her. Determined that her life should be dictated by the dead, she wants to usher gift to help the living, resolving relationships torn apart by death. Robert (Andrew Lincoln) meanwhile is in turmoil. Once a total sceptic, his beliefs have been shaken by he witnessed at the seance and he now struggles to make senses of his life. Desperate for answers, he turns to Alison for help. But she is now deeply disturbed by a terrifying presence. For the first time in her life Alison is being haunted by a spirit from her own past, a ghost she must learn to confront if she is to hold on her sanity. |
| Instruktør: Ashley Pearce Charles Beeson Martyn Friend
Skuespillere: Aidan McArdle Aislinn Sands Alex Dunbar Amanda Lawrence Amy Hart Andrew Collins Andrew Lincoln Anna Wilson-Jones Chris Garner Claire Rushbrook Claudio Laurini Clive Hayward Craig Kelly David Threlfall Ed Westwick Edward Davenport Eileen Davies Emily Beecham Emma Lowndes Emun Elliott Federico Zanni Goran Kostic Gregory Foreman Harry Treadaway Hugh Holman Jo McInnes John Burton Josh Hooper Julie Christian-Young Julie Graham Justin McDonald Justine Mitchell Kate Duchêne Kenneth Cranham Kish Sharma Lauren Varnfield Lesley Sharp Liam Cunningham Lucy Cudden Luing Andrews Martin Fisher Matti Houghton Michael Obiora Michael Press Natalia Tena Natasha Magigi Nora-Jane Noone Obi Abili Robin Berry Robin Samson Simon Fisher-Becker Zara Ramm Zoe Telford
Producent: Andrew Purcell Andy Collins David Blackmore Di Carling Don Bell Edmund Butt Emma Reid Fiona Maynard Hayden Matthews Jenny Dyer John Burrans Lee Tailor Liz Pearson Lorna Cashmore Marcus Catlin Murray Ferguson Pamela Haddock Richard Bennett Roy Hill Will Cann
Forfatter: Amanda Lawrence Andrew Lincoln Anna Wilson-Jones David Threlfall Ed Westwick Eileen Davies Emily Beecham Emun Elliott Harry Treadaway John Burton Kate Duchêne Lauren Varnfield Lesley Sharp Luing Andrews Mark Greig Michael Obiora Nora-Jane Noone Robin Berry Robin Samson Simon Fisher-Becker Stephen Volk