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| Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Den amerikanske independent spillefilm "Shortbus" slog i 2007 benene væk under filmbranchen i USA og filmfestivalen i Cannes. Dens mål er at frigøre sex fra skyld og tabuer, og den gør det på en rå, direkte og ucensureret måde. Shortbus minder om film som Magnolia og Shortcuts, hvor flere små historier flettes ind i hinanden. Handlingen er pornografisk, dog uden at være porno. Filmen flytter grænser, men er samtidig sært poetisk. Og selvom det er New Yorks undergrundsklub-liv, der er scenen, skal det danske publikum nok kunne finde sig selv mellem seksusel nysgerrighed, eksistentiel depression og jagten på den store orgasme. Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Writer/director John Cameron Mitchell follows up the cult classic Hedwig and the Angry Inch with another salacious slice of sex-laden cinema. Mitchell interweaves three separate tales of highly sexed and sexually frustrated New Yorkers, all of whom find some kind of salvation at an underground club named Shortbus. Anything goes at Shortbus--wild orgies between people from different ages, backgrounds, and sexual preferences are treated as commonplace, and most of the sex scenes shot through Mitchell's voyeuristic lens are completely unsimulated. Mitchell allows little time for his audience to pause for breath, opening Shortbus with a frantic collage of copulation and carnality that features most of his central characters. These include Sofia (Sook-Yin Lee), a sex therapist who has never reached full orgasm; gay couple James (Paul Dawson) and Jamie (PJ DeBoy); and Severin (Lindsay Beamish), a dominatrix who finds herself unable to find true love. Mitchell lets his cast of characters unravel their tales of woe, interspersing the touching and mostly sad stories with eye-popping scenes from Shortbus and swooping birds-eye shots of a computer simulated version of New York City. The director also draws heavily on an indie-rock soundtrack, making repeated and effective use of the beautiful Winters Love by Brooklyn-based group Animal Collective. But it's the sex scenes that will really get tongues wagging, and its testament to Mitchell's fearless and uncompromising vision that he depicts sexual acts that run the full coital gamut, from amusing to titillating to shocking. Amid all the boundary-pushing there is a tender heart buried in Shortbus's central narrative, which revolves around the search for identity and acceptance. | Ekstra features:
Feature commentary "Gifted and Challenged" - The making of Shortbus Teaser trailer Deleted scenes Deleted scenes commentary
| Instruktør: John Cameron Mitchell
Skuespillere: Adam Hardman Alan Mandell Bitch Daniela Sea David Pittu Derek Jackson Jan Hilmer Jay Brannan Jeff Whitty Jocelyn Samson Justin Bond Justin Hagan Lex Vaughn Lindsay Beamish Miriam Shor Paul Dawson Paul Oakley Stovall Peter Stickles PJ DeBoy Rachael C. Smith Raphael Barker Ray Rivas Shanti Carson Sook-Yin Lee Stephen Kent Jusick Yolonda Ross
Producent: Alexis Fish Bobbi Thompson Howard Gertler John Cameron Mitchell Michael J. Werner Morgan Higby Night Pamela Hirsch Richie Jackson Tim Perell Wouter Barendrecht
Forfatter: John Cameron Mitchell