Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Efter at naturkatastrofer har truet planeten, har verdens ledere nu skabt et avanceret netværk af satellitter til at kontrollere det globale klima og sørge for sikkerhed til alle. Men det system, der var bygget til at beskytte jorden, angriber den nu, og det er en kamp mod uret at optrævle den egentlige trussel, inden en verdensomspændende geostorm udrydder alt og alle. Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Sci-fi action thriller starring Gerard Butler. After a series of natural disasters strike the globe, countries across the world work together to create a geoengineering programme, called Dutch Boy, to protect the Earth using a series of satellites designed to control the planet's climate. However, years later, the satellites begin to malfunction, leaving the Earth vulnerable to catastrophic climate events. Dutch Boy's original designer Jake Lawson (Butler), who was unceremoniously forced to leave the project, is chosen to travel to the International Climate Space Station to repair the climate-controlling satellites before the Earth is decimated by a series of cataclysmic natural disasters. |