Ferrari - Race To Immortality |
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| Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] I 1950'erne, motorsportens farligste årti, kører den ikoniske Scuderia Ferrari for første gang om verdensmesterskabet i Formel-1. Bilerne flyttede grænsen for menneskets opfindsomhed, og kørerne satte livet på spil. I centrum stod den imponerende Enzo Ferrari, der turde drømme om fart på en måde, ingen andre kunne. Trods den skarpe konkurrence besluttede to af hans holds stjerner, Peter Collins og Mike Hawthorn, at deres venskab var lige så vigtigt som at vinde. For Ferraris kørere var det la dolce vita i hverdagene og helt tilfældigt om de overlevede weekenden. Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] 1950's; the deadliest decade in Formula 1 history. As cars pushed the limits of human ingenuity, drivers lived on a knife edge between life and death. La Dolce Vita during the week and a coin toss of whether they lived or died on the weekend. At the centre of it all was Enzo Ferrari, a man who dared to dream about speed in ways nobody else could and who was the puppet-master of his racing team. Amidst the stiff competition within the Ferrari team, two of its stars Peter Collins and Mike Hawthorn decided that their friendship was as important as winning the next race. Ferrari: Race to Immortality tells six compelling stories in a dolce vita era where those driving fast played even harder. Tomorrow wasn't a word often heard on race day. |
| Instruktør: Daryl Goodrich
Medvirkende: Enzo Ferrari Mike Hawthorn Peter Collins
Producent: Alexander O'Neal Christopher Reed Compton Ross Iain Sinclair Julia Taylor-Stanley Kevin Loader Maggie Monteith Phil Hunt Phil Rymer Rupert Bush Sam Tromans Tom Harberd
Forfatter: Rupert Bush