Kærlighed På Sidelinjen | Playing For Keeps |
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| Sprog: Engelsk (DTS HD 5.1)
Undertekst: Dansk
Billedeformat: Widescreen 2.35:1 (16:9) (1080p High Definition)
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| Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Den charmerende George er tidligere fodboldstjerne, men nu uden særligt lyse fremtidsudsigter. Han tager jobbet som træner for sønnens fodboldhold og det viser sig, at der følger en særlig slags goder med tjansen - chancen for at bage på en flok attraktive "soccermoms". Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Gabriele Muccino directs this romantic comedy starring Uma Thurman and Gerard Butler. Former professional footballer and incorrigible womaniser George (Gerard Butler) decides to redeem his wicked ways by becoming the coach of his young son's football team. Unfortunately, however, he quickly finds himself the object of lust for the mothers of the boys in the team, including the drop-dead gorgeous Patti (Thurman). Jessica Biel co-stars as George's long-suffering ex-wife. |
| Instruktør: Gabriele Muccino
Skuespillere: Abella Wyss Aidan Potter Catherine Zeta-Jones Cindy Creekmore Dennis Quaid Emily Somers Gerard Butler Gerry May Gisella Marengo Grant Collins Grant Goodman Iqbal Theba James Tupper Jason Winston George Jesse De Luna Jessica Biel Jon Mack Judy Greer Katia Gomez Marlena Lerner Mike Martindale Nicky Buggs Noah Lomax Ritchie Montgomery Sean O'Bryan Uma Thurman
Producent: Alan Siegel Andrea Leone Andy Berman Avi Lerner Boaz Davidson Danny Dimbort Ed Cathell III Gerard Butler Heidi Jo Markel John Thompson Jonathan Mostow Kevin Misher Margaret Coll Raffaella Leone Sarah Donohue
Forfatter: Robbie Fox